Mira 2024 online auction conditions

The pigeons included in the online auctions will only be the subject of online bidding. Final ownership of the pigeons will be awarded to the pigeon fancier who has placed the highest bid at the end of each auction.


1.1 – How to bid via the Internet

  • Go to the home page of the Mira 2024 Championships website and then to Auctions.
  • In the auction section you’ll find the list of the pigeons in the auction. Clicking on a pigeon will open a window with information about the pigeon, such as its performance in championships, pedigree, photo, and bidding history to date. In this same window, you can place your bid.
  • Before you can bid, you must register online. The registration will contain the following data:
    – Federation licence

– Name
– Address
– Telephone contact

– Email address

  • After registering, the FPC will send an email confirming the registration and indicating the unique bidding code. Once you have received your bid code, you can bid online by entering it and simply adding the amount of your bid.
  • Once you have received your bid code, you can bid online by entering it and simply adding the amount of your bid.
  • Only registrations made by 18:00 on the last day of the auction will be valid for a given auction.

1.2 – What are the bid amounts?

  • Bids must comply with the values in the table below:

Table of Bid Values

Tier Values Examples
Up to 99 Euros Multiples of 5 Euros 50,55,60, etc…
from 100 to 199 euros Multiples of 10 Euros 100,110,120, etc…
from 200 to 499 euros Multiples of 20 Euros 200,220,240, etc…
from 500 to 1000 euros Multiples of 50 Euros 500,550,600, etc…
1000+ Euros Multiples of 100 Euros 1000,1100,1200, etc.
  • The system provides a selection box with valid bid values for the current state of the pigeon, simply by selecting the bid you want.
  • The list of pigeons will be permanently updated with the respective bids.

1.3 – End of auction

Each auction lot shows the day and time from which bidding will end. So that you can keep track of the bids for each pigeon in the lot, the auction end time for each pigeon is pre-set to end 2 minutes apart. So, for example, if the auction for a lot has an end time of 9.00pm, the auction for the first pigeon in that lot will end at that time, the next pigeon will end at 9.02pm, the next pigeon at 9.04pm, and so on.

On the other hand, some Internet auctions sometimes create situations of injustice when a bidder places a bid in the last few seconds of an auction. Other people who might be interested in the same item are left without the chance to counterbid, as the auction has now come to an end.

To avoid this type of situation, this auction’s online bidding includes the functionality of allowing other interested bidders to counterbid on a pigeon that is the subject of a last-second bid. Here’s how online bidding will be finalised:

  • If a pigeon doesn’t receive any bids in the last 3 minutes, the bids for that pigeon end at the normal time indicated in the list of pigeons in the auction.
  • If a bid is made for a pigeon in the last 3 minutes, the bids for that pigeon are automatically extended by 3 minutes from the time of the bid.
  • For each additional bid for the same pigeon, 3 minutes of overtime will be added from the time of the bid.
  • Bidding for the pigeon ends when there are no bids within 3 minutes of the last bid.

So that you can always keep track of the auction end time for a particular pigeon, in the pigeon list there is a column headed “Terminado(End in)” with a countdown clock indicating the time remaining until the auction for that pigeon closes.

To make it easier to identify the pigeons on which the bidding has already ended, the system will put a “Terminado(Closed)” indication in the column where the “End in” countdown clock used to be.

1.4 – My bids (available soon)

To easily keep track of the status of the pigeons you’re interested in, we suggest using the As minhas licitações / My Bids tool. With this tool, you will only see the pigeons on which you have already placed a bid, with information on your last bid and whether it was outbid by someone else.

So, if the “Estado da minha licitação” / “Status of my bid” column shows “Ultrapassada(Outbid)”, this means that there has already been a bid higher than yours and if you want to counter-bid, you can do so. If “Atual(Current)” appears, it means that your last bid is the highest bid at that moment.

1.5 – Delivery of pigeons purchased via Internet bidding

The Federation will send pigeons purchased via the Internet by special road transport (at the purchaser’s expense) or deliver them at the Gaspar Vila Nova International Loft upon presentation of proof of purchase. The pigeons will only be dispatched/delivered once the amount corresponding to their sale has been received. The pigeons must be paid for and collected within a maximum of 10 days, except in duly justified situations accepted by the FPC. At the end of this period, non-compliance will be treated as a debt to the pigeon racing institutions, and such members will be unable to take part in training or races under the terms of Article 6(1)(d) of the new RDN, and the pigeons will be put up for auction again.

  1. Processing of personal data

The Portuguese Pigeon Federation (FPC) is responsible for processing your personal data relating to registration and participation in auctions. The FPC’s contact details are as follows: Mira Centre, Rua do Matadouro, 2.º andar, salas 208-210 Valeirinha; 3070-436 Mira; email – privacidade@fpcolumbofilia.pt

When using this auction site, FPC collects and processes personal data that is appropriate, relevant and limited in order to effectively manage the auctions. Your personal data will be used by FPC for pre-contractual or contract fulfilment procedures, in particular for invoicing purposes or for sending any information related to your purchase, which is essential for the execution of the auction.

Your data will be kept for as long as your account is not cancelled for any reason, without prejudice to the retention of personal data for a longer period for the fulfilment of contractual and/or legal obligations.

The FPC will also process your data to keep you informed about the opening of new auctions and to evaluate and improve the services provided by carrying out satisfaction or quality surveys, which is done on the basis of the FPC’s legitimate interest.

Your data may be shared, to the extent necessary for the execution of the auctions, with entities responsible for the delivery of the pigeons you have purchased.

Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation, the holders of personal data have, under the terms and conditions laid down therein, the right to request from the controller access to personal data concerning them, and rectification or erasure (when any of the reasons provided for in the GDPR apply), or the restriction of processing insofar as it concerns the data subject (if any of the situations provided for in the GDPR apply), and the right to object to processing (in the cases provided for in the GDPR), as well as the right to data portability (under the terms and conditions defined by law). If, for any reason, the processing of data is based on consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw their consent at any time, without jeopardising the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent previously given.

The data subject has the right, at any time, to lodge a complaint with the supervisory and control authority: the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD).

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, you should contact us in writing, by email to privacidade@fpcolumbofilia.pt or by letter sent to Federação Portuguesa de Columbofilia.

Any changes to this privacy policy will be published on the relevant website, where they will also be available.

Last updated: September 26, 2024