Welcome message from the Mayor of Mira

Mira is proud to host another edition of the International Pigeon Racing Championships, the result of a harmonious collaboration between the City Hall, the International Pigeon Federation and the Portuguese Pigeon Federation.

The Municipality of Mira is delighted to have the headquarters of the Portuguese Pigeon Federation on its territory, consolidating our municipality as the epicentre of this sport in Portugal, which means that people from all over the world visit Mira every year.

Today, as in the last twenty-six years, the Pigeon Racing Championships are a source of joy, conviviality, success and, above all, an opportunity to promote our municipality on a tourist and sporting level.

Welcome to Mira.

Artur Fresco

(The Mayor of Mira)

About Mira

Surrounded by forest, where the wild pine predominates, the acacias and the Portuguese Crowberry, a specific flora that formerly helped to secure the dunes, Mira is situated in the Central region, little more than 30 kilometres from the Porto-Lisbon highway (Mealhada loop), 35 kilometres from Aveiro, 100 kilometres from the city of Porto and 200 kilometres from Lisbon.

The district is best known for the Beach of Mira, a coastal village surrounded by a protected area, the Mira Dunes National Forest, and that has been becoming popular as a holiday resort for those who want a more tranquil spot.

The Beach of Mira nestles between the dunes and the Atlantic Ocean, on one side, and the calm waters of the Barrinha Lake (A good spot for boat trips, swimming and for some water sports) on the other side, and is proud of its traditional fishing vessels, brightly painted and with high prows.

Adepts at sport fishing will find a wide choice here: barbels, carp and catfish in the rivers, and sargos, snapper and mullet in the sea.

As it is natural, the regional gastronomy is based on the excellent fresh fish and the abundance and variety of shellfish.

198 species of birds, 12 of fish, 13 amphibians, 12 reptiles and 22 mammals have been counted in this region there. In plants, amongst the herbaceous shrubs and trees, we can find 402 flowering species. It is these smaller scale worlds that we invite you to explore!